Diabetes Blog Week 2015 – Day 7 – Continuing Connections


Welcome back to Day 7 of Diabetes Blog Week 2015! Here’s the prompt for Day 7, Continuing Connections – Sunday 5/17:

The very first inspiration for Diabetes Blog Week was to help connect our blogging community, and that continues to be the most important reason it’s held every year.  So let’s help foster and continue those connections as we wrap up another Dblog Week.  Share a link to a new blog you’ve found or a new friend you’ve made.  Or pick a random blog off of the Participant’s List, check it out and share it with us.  Let’s take some time today to make new friends.

I don’t think I can pick just one or even a handful of the new blogs I found by participating in DBW this year! Instead, take a look at the list of participants here and pick one to learn more!

I love reading about the experiences that other diabetics have and also about reading the experiences of parents of kids with Type 1! Reading the parents’ perspective gives me more insight as to what my parents were dealing with when I was a youngster with Type 1, even though a lot has changed in terms of diabetes care since then!

Thanks for tuning in for this year’s Diabetes Blog Week! I hope you learned a little about what it’s like to live with Type 1 Diabetes. :)


Are you looking for a photographer for your upcoming wedding or anniversary session? Email Lauren at [email protected] or use the contact link on the top of this page to get in touch with San Diego Wedding Photographer Lauren Nygard! Lauren is based in Southern California but loves traveling with her camera to capture love across the globe!

San Diego Wedding Photographer | Lauren Nygard Photography


Diabetes Blog Week 2015 – Day 6 – Favorites and Motivations


Welcome back to Day 6 of Diabetes Blog Week 2015! Here’s the prompt for Day 6, Favorites and Motivations – Saturday 5/16:

If you have been blogging for a while, what is your favorite sentence or blogpost that you have ever written? Is it diabetes related or just life related? If you are a new blogger and don’t have a favorite yet, tell us what motivated you to start sharing your story by writing a blog?

I don’t think I have a favorite blog post! I post too many gorgeous sessions and weddings to be able to pick one favorite. Most of my posts are not diabetes-related so I share my story typically just for Diabetes Blog Week (DBW). I’m motivated to share my diabetes life during DBW since it’s a side of me that most people don’t see or hear about, even though I’m always willing to answer any questions that people have. :)


Are you looking for a photographer for your upcoming wedding or anniversary session? Email Lauren at [email protected] or use the contact link on the top of this page to get in touch with San Diego Wedding Photographer Lauren Nygard! Lauren is based in Southern California but loves traveling with her camera to capture love across the globe!

San Diego Wedding Photographer | Lauren Nygard Photography


Diabetes Blog Week 2015 – Day 5 – Foods on Friday


Welcome back to Day 5 of Diabetes Blog Week 2015! Here’s the prompt for Day 5, Foods on Friday – Friday 5/15:

Taking a cue from Adam Brown’s recent post, write a post documenting what you eat in a day! Feel free to add links to recommended recipes/shops/whatever. Make it an ideal day or a come-as-you-are day – no judgments either way.

This week, my eating has been a little all over the place because of some personal drama excitement. For example, today, I had some coffee and a bowl of Chex for breakfast, a dirty soy chai latte and a fruit cup for lunch, and some potatoes covered in cheese for dinner. My meals are usually pretty simple: eggs or cereal for breakfast, dinner leftovers for lunch, and something easy for dinner.

I have been eating primarily gluten free for a little more than a year now, which has calmed down my psoriasis quite a bit. Unlike many Type 1 Diabetics, I haven’t developed Celiac Disease (yet), but eating gluten free isn’t very hard for me, so it’s worth it.

I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and I love a new CSA that I’ve been using since I went to an event put on by my local JDRF office! (CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and you can read more about it here!) Farm Fresh to You drops off fresh, delicious, organic produce on my doorstep every other Friday, which definitely helps me keep lots of fruit and vegetables in my diet! Click the banner below if you want to learn more about this CSA and use the code LAUR1363 for $10 off your first order! (I’ll also get a little money off my next order when you use the code.)

Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 9.16.47 PM

My favorite sources of protein are cheese (or other dairy products), peanut (or other nut) butter, and seafood (especially crustaceans)… usually not all together! Let’s be honest, though: I’ll eat a seared scallop any time of day. ;)

Splurges for me usually involve ice cream/frozen yogurt, dark chocolate, or a combination of those. My husband makes awesome gluten-free chocolate chip cookies and I’ll obviously enjoy those when I can, too!


p.s. You can check out one of my favorite spaghetti squash recipes right here!

Are you looking for a photographer for your upcoming wedding or anniversary session? Email Lauren at [email protected] or use the contact link on the top of this page to get in touch with San Diego Wedding Photographer Lauren Nygard! Lauren is based in Southern California but loves traveling with her camera to capture love across the globe!

San Diego Wedding Photographer | Lauren Nygard Photography


Diabetes Blog Week 2015 – Day 4 – Changes


Welcome back to Day 4 of Diabetes Blog Week 2015! Here’s the prompt for Day 4, Changes – Thursday 5/14:

Today let’s talk about changes, in one of two ways. Either tell us what you’d most like to see change about diabetes, in any way. This can be management tools, devices, medications, people’s perceptions, your own feelings – anything at all that you feel could use changing. OR reflect back on some changes you or your loved one has seen or been through since being diagnosed with diabetes. Were they expected or did they surprise you?

The most significant changes I’ve experienced since I was diagnosed in terms of diabetes technology were the switch from multiple daily injections (shots) to an insulin pump, and then the addition of a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to help manage my bloodsugars. I switched to an insulin pump in about 2000 or 2001 and added the CGM in the fall of 2007. Switching to an insulin pump gave me more freedom as to when and what I would eat, since I was able to give myself more insulin any time I wanted. The CGM was a total game changer in that I was able to see what my bloodsugars were doing, minute by minute, meaning I could see the effect that food and insulin each had on my bloodsugar. My A1c dropped drastically just by adding that device.

Currently, my A1c is a little higher than I’d like, so I’m working on making the change to a lower A1c. Obviously, I would love a cure for diabetes in the future, but I’m just going to keep truckin’ until we get there. :)


Are you looking for a photographer for your upcoming wedding or anniversary session? Email Lauren at [email protected] or use the contact link on the top of this page to get in touch with San Diego Wedding Photographer Lauren Nygard! Lauren is based in Southern California but loves traveling with her camera to capture love across the globe!

San Diego Wedding Photographer | Lauren Nygard Photography


Diabetes Blog Week 2015 – Day 3 – Clean it Out


Welcome back to Day 3 of Diabetes Blog Week 2015! Here’s the prompt for Day 3, Clean it Out – Wednesday 5/13:

Yesterday we kept stuff in, so today let’s clear stuff out. What is in your diabetic closet that needs to be cleaned out? This can be an actual physical belonging, or it can be something you’re mentally or emotionally hanging on to. Why are you keeping it and why do you need to get rid of it?

My parents recently moved out of the house that they purchased 29 years ago, before I was diagnosed with diabetes. In the process, my mom came across numerous old diabetes-related items that had been hiding in the closet for so many years! She found an old bag that I used to carry my glucometer when I was in elementary school as well as the case that came with my first OneTouch machine! We opted to toss the OneTouch case but I had to keep this bag!


I do still have a fair amount of supplies that I’ve stockpiled through the years, including my old insulin pumps and glucose meters. I keep them as backups in case my current meter or pump decides to kick the bucket. I don’t think I’ll be getting rid of them anytime soon! ;)


Are you looking for a photographer for your upcoming wedding or anniversary session? Email Lauren at [email protected] or use the contact link on the top of this page to get in touch with San Diego Wedding Photographer Lauren Nygard! Lauren is based in Southern California but loves traveling with her camera to capture love across the globe!

San Diego Wedding Photographer | Lauren Nygard Photography
