Welcome back for Day 3 of Diabetes Blog Week 2011! Today’s topic is Diabetes Bloopers. Here’s the description from Karen:
Diabetes bloopers – Wednesday 5/11: Whether you or your loved one are newly diagnosed or have been dealing with diabetes for a while, you probably realize that things can (and will) go wrong. But sometimes the things that go wrong aren’t stressful – instead sometimes they are downright funny! Go ahead and share your Diabetes Blooper – your “I can’t believe I did that” moment – your big “D-oh” – and let’s all have a good laugh together!!
The thing is, I wrote about my favorite Diabetes Blooper last year (I HATE THIS HAMBURGER!) and I haven’t really had many in my recent life. Er, I’m sure I’ve had them, but I can’t think of one right now. So I’m just going to share a diabetes memory instead. It’s pretty hilarious to me.
The summer after my 8th grade, I went to overnight camp for the first time! Mom packed up me and my brother for three weeks at Camp Sweeney and it was awesome. Like, really awesome. It was a whole camp full of diabetics and their syblings! Well, one of the cool things about Camp Sweeney is that they would sing popular songs, but change the lyrics so they’d be about diabetes. Instead of “Summer of ’69,” we’d sing about “Bloodsugar of 69” and, well, you get the idea. :) So, for whatever reason, one day in the high school cafeteria, I was talking to my best friend Madelyn about this. So, she, naturally, started busting out lyrics to “Diabetic’s Paradise” (you know, the diabetes version of Coolio’s “Gangsta’s Paradise”). It was really awesome. I wish I remembered the lyrics because they were just phenomenal. ;)
Oh, and about the I HATE THIS HAMBURGER! thing. The awesome thing about that story is that hubby and I now use that phrase when we’re mad at something and we know it’s dumb. Like, if I’m struggling to open a jar pf pickles but the lid won’t budge, I scream “I HATE THIS HAMBURGER!” because, well, it’s funny. Sometimes we throw in the obligatory fist pound. It always lightens the mood!
I hope you’re having a great week! See you tomorrow!