Senior Portraits with Mark and Caroline

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to take senior pictures for two siblings: Mark and Caroline. They are both graduating this year: Mark obtained a B.S. in Psychology from Texas A&M University, and Caroline is graduating from T.M.I. (high school) this weekend. Isn’t he the most handsome college graduate and she the most gorgeous high school graduate this year?!?

Ok, ok, ok. Mark and Carline are my brother and sister! I wasn’t going to tell you, but I’m really proud of them, so I’m happy to say, Congratulations to them both! :)


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Great photos! Especially the last two shots of Mark & Caroline together ;)

I know! We are old! :) But thanks!! :)

So beautiful!

Aww, they're all grown up (which means we're getting old)! Congrats guys!