R&T are married!

I’ll start this post by saying that it is LOOONG overdue!

At the end of March, Corina of Steadfast Photography invited me to join her at the Grand Tradition Estate in Fallbrook, CA, to photograph the wedding of this fun couple! R was absolutely gorgeous in her pink-trimmed gown, and T was so excited that he could hardly contain himself! Both the ceremony and reception were at the same location, perfect for this prince and her princess.

Below is a (somewhat) random sampling of the moments I captured during the course of the afternoon and evening. I’m stuggling with the format of my blog here, so please bear with me. A new look will be coming later this year!

Candice Benjamin was also present to capture the memories of this day; check out her amazing shots here!

R’s mom had the honor of tying up the back of her dress. She did a great job, too! :)
The tables were set in various hues of pink and white:
The lovely bridesmaids before the ceremony!
T is ready to get down that aisle! Is it go-time yet?!?
And they’re off! Here is T seeing his beautiful bride walking down the aisle:
R was presented by her loving father.
I love weddings, but I don’t think this girl feels the same way! (Yet!)
Here come the new Mr. and Mrs.!
You could feel the love they share!The Groom and his Men.
The bouquets were gorgeous!
And there they go! R&T were sent off while being showered by bubbles.
Thanks again to Corina (and Candice) for allowing me capture these moments with you! And many congratulations to R and T!!

Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!

p.s. Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for Day 1 of Diabetes Blog Week!

A change of pace!

Hey everyone!

I want to give y’all a heads-up on something really exciting that’s going to happen here on my blog next week!

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I’ve been slacking and haven’t been blogging as often as I’d like. I have been out photographing, but I just haven’t taken the time to post all the juicy images I’ve gotten. So, next week, I’m dropping the pictures and will be posting about something else that is near and dear to my heart: diabetes.

You may or may not know that I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when I was 4. Usually, people find out that I’m diabetic when they notice the little grey box attached to my hip: “No, it’s not a beeper. No, it’s not an mp3 player. No, it’s not a cell phone. See this little tubing here? It’s attached to me, and it gives me insulin. Yep, that’s right, I’m diabetic.”

I sometimes avoid conversations like that because, most often than not, people start assuming things, such as:
– I have a miserable life. (How could a diabetic enjoy life?)
– I eat too much candy.
– I “did this” to myself; I could “avoid this” if I only ate right and exercised more.
– I have a strict diet.
– I have diabetic parents and siblings and grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles….

These types of reactions (especially the first one!) sometimes make me squirm. But, the truth is, I love answering questions about diabetes. Most people don’t know what diabetes actually is, or they think it’s that weird disease that old, fat people get. In my opinion, the more I tell people about diabetes, the less they’ll be confused when they meet the next person with a “beeper” on their pants. (Does anyone still use a beeper anyway??)

So, starting on Monday, May 10, you’ll get a blog post a day as I participate in Diabetes Blog Week!

Karen of Bitter-Sweet Diabetes Blog came up with this brilliant idea to have diabetics around the world post a blog a day for a week, with topics provided. We’ll be posting with the following topic suggestions:
Monday 5/10 – A day in the life… with diabetes
Tuesday 5/11 – Making the low go
Wednesday 5/12 – Your Biggest Supporter
Thursday 5/13 – To carb or not to carb
Friday 5/14 – Let’s get moving
Saturday 5/15 – Diabetes snapshots
Sunday 5/16 – Dream a little dream

To read more about this project, click here.
For a list of participating diabetics, click here.

So, sit back, relax, and don’t forget to check back next Monday for my first diabetes-related post! (I will continue to post images too! I promise!)


Ann & Kevin

Hello everyone!

Meet Ann and Kevin.

Ann, Kevin, and I all went to grad school together. I remember when Ann and Kevin first started dating, so it was super exciting to hear of their recent engagement! Of course I jumped at the chance to photograph these two lovebirds in Balboa Park one Saturday. The place was packed that afternoon, but that didn’t stop us from getting some really great shots! Here are some of my favorites.

Congratulations again to Ann and Kevin! I look forward to working with you on your wedding day later this year. :)